keeps begging me to introduce

5/31/2016   瀏覽:852    

Certainly, I will go directly, he answered, but I love you as though you were my own daughter, and you must allow me to come and see you. Look upon me now as though I were your father and allow me be of use to you.I want nothing. Leave me alone, Natasha interrupted again gym hong kong.

I know you are proud . . . But I’m speaking sincerely, from my heart. What do you intend to do now? To make peace with your parents? That would be a good thing. But your father is unjust, proud and tyrannical; forgive me, but that is so. At home you would meet now nothing but reproaches and fresh suffering. But you must be independent, and it is my obligation, my sacred duty to look after you and help you now. Alyosha begged me not to leave you but to be a friend to you. But besides me there are people prepared to be genuinely devoted to you. You will Placement Opportunities, I hope, allow me to present to you Count Nainsky. He has the best of hearts, he is a kinsman of ours, and I may even say has been the protector of our whole family.

He had done a great deal for Alyosha. Alyosha had the greatest respect and affection for him. He is a very powerful man with great influence, an old man, and it is quite possible for a girl, like you, to receive him. I have talked to him about you already. He can establish you, and, if you wish it, find you an excellent position . . . with one of his relations. I gave him a full and straightforward account of our affair long ago, and I so enlisted his kind and generous feelings that now hehim to you as soon as possible. . . . He is a man who has a feeling for everything beautiful, believe me — he is a generous old man, highly respected, able to recognize true worth, and indeed, not long ago he behaved in a most generous way to your father in certain case.

Natasha jumped up as though she had been stung. Now, at last, she understood him.Leave me, leave me at once! she cried.But, my dear, you forget, the count may be of use to you father too . . .My father will take nothing from you. Leave me! Natasha cried again.Oh, how unjust and mistrustful you are! How have I deserved this! exclaimed the prince, looking about him with some uneasiness. You will allow me in any case, he went on taking a large roll out of his pocket, you will allow me in any case to leave with you this proof of my sympathy, and especially the sympathy of Count Nainsky, on whose suggestion I am acting. This roll contains ten thousand roubles. Wait a moment, my dear, he said hurriedly BBA Exchange, seeing that Natasha had jumped up from her seat angrily. Listen patiently to everything. You know your father lost a lawsuit against me. This ten thousand will serve as a compensation which . . .


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