Sam had lots of cousins and he couldn'

11/25/2015   瀏覽:906    

Pikachu and Jigglypuff thanked Eevee because she was so nice. They helped her swim in the pool and then she felt so much better . Then all the Pokemon went back to Ash and he told them never to run away again. And they didn't.

It was hectic in the Jenson family household because it was the day before New Years Eve and they were getting ready to go to England to spend the New Year with their family. The Jenson family lived in London and where very excited. Franchesca and Samantha (Franny and Sam) were in their bedroom putting the last few things into their suitcases whilst Michael (Mick) put all the other suitcases into the car.



Mick was their mums friend and he was very excited to meet Bab's family because he had not yet met them. Mick had a son called Peter but everyone called him Podge. Podge was also excited to meet the family especially because Franny and t wait to meet them. He was most excited about meeting Simon because he was the same age as him you find limited.


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