He can make a difference to this world

10/20/2015   瀏覽:711    

Immortals are having meeting English Private Tutor, they have no way, Guan Yin showed up, she is the most powerful women in the heaven, she always hold a bottle with bamboo inside, the water inside the bottle can make dead man become alive, she said let me go there meet him.They back to report Yu Di.

She changed into a pretty woman and go to the mountain, she asked, hey, may I know is Wu Kong here?
Wu Kong comes out and see a woman, about 30 years old, she looks holy, kind, he asked, are you Guan yin?
Guan Yin change back into herself HKUE ENG, and told him, yes, I am.

Wu Kong kneel down and close his two hands, with ten fingers face to face. He said, Guan Yin Empress, what do you want me to do?

Guan Yin thought Wu Kong is not that bad. She decide to save him, she know he has super power, if he can be under control.

She said Beauty Mama, do you want to follow me go back to heaven and ask Yu di stop punish you?


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