Internet Slangs are very popular now

10/8/2015   瀏覽:888    

As the development of Internet Maggie Beauty, people like to use computer to do many things, we can say that computer has been part of our life. People get used to reading the news and then sharing their opinion on the Internet, then more and more slangs come into being. I think these slangs are good for expression but should not be used officially.

We can see the people make some sentence short, like by the way is short for btw. At first, we may not like it, but when we find that everybody is expressing like this, we will follow and then get used to it. Internet slangs are another way for people to express themselves, it is quit short and convenient.

Though Internet slangs are favored by many people Zero Moment Of Truth, we must know it clearly that these words should not be used in official writing. Because these words will change its meaning as the time goes on, sometimes people will misunderstand the provides a way for people to communicate and we can use them in the certain situation seo.


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