that one holds water

9/2/2015   瀏覽:757    

Even after many years, we can live time to stay reenex  , can't stop the appearance. Vicissitudes of life, the sun changes, the only thing in this world can make people forgetful of life and death, and only love. Just hope, when the month is the deep love person, still the old appearance. So, it is reassuring.

Autumn waters cover, I love, not bend when the spring breeze blows, immediate thoughts. World of mortals how autumn waters, which can hold, is the water in my life, will QingJian image of your face. You know, weak water three thousand, I only take you a gourd ladle.

Huang2 rong2, that is guo jing of the tender; Little dragon female, that is yang2 guo4 tender; Zhao min, it is zhang mowgli's gentle, and my gentle, is you reenex .

If the sky began to rain, you will understand, that is my tears. Free the world of mortals, you will find that happiness is like a sea of clouds, and that is reenex , even if spend their lives, is also difficult to master. Until the moss to rush into a white hair, remember, when a smile? Happiness like east flow, to return to, can wait for fellow, waiting day and night, dream, deeply grieved, can be happy like a child, wandering in the sky, wandering in the horizon forget.


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