5 leading libido killers

5/18/2017   瀏覽:538    

Have you noticed that you and your partner are having less sex, or lesser-quality sex? Is the spark slowly dying? Often, it can be difficult to figure out why your sex life has changed and even more difficult to talk about it. Here is a short list of some of the leading causes of diminished sex drive and performance, which might help you figure out the reason for the chill in your bedroom reenex.

1. Stress

Stress from work or personal life can kill a person’s sex drive. If you’re buckling under pressures and have recently stopped wanting to get intimate, you should consider seeing a therapist to figure out how to balance the stress of everyday life and still enjoy getting naked.

2. Relationships

Relationships are not a paradise, and there will always be problems along the road. Less or bad sex can be the fallout of a really bad argument, disagreement, betrayal, or a simple lack of communication. Perhaps the best first step to repair the sexual bridge is to start a fresh mode of communication with your partner reenex.

3. Alcohol

While a couple of drinks might lower your inhibitions and be a nice prelude to sex, too much alcohol tends to weaken a man’s penis power, numbs general sensation, and makes you act a fool – which isn’t sexy to anyone. If you’ve been drinking more than usual, you might want to seek professional help.

4. Sleep deprivation

A person who is exhausted is not thinking about sex. Have you been sleeping less because of work or family responsibilities? Have you started experiencing insomnia or sleep apnea? Perhaps you just need to dedicate more of your time to quality sleep, resisting the pressures of everyday life that encroach on our rest-time. Once you treat your sleep issues, your sex life will probably go back to normal.

5. Children

Kids are great. Unfortunately, the full-time job of caring for them, and the many sleepless nights involved in child-rearing, can easily destroy any alone-time or sexy feelings that existed in your relationship. Don’t skimp on babysitters, try booking a hotel for a “date night,” and take advantage of daily nap times for some sexy (quiet) fun  dermes.


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