The Brain Scrub

9/22/2016   瀏覽:507    

The Brain Scrub is designed to help you overcome the "monkey mind" which leaps and bounces around from subject to subject in an uncontrolled manner. After mastering this exercise you'll be able to instantly clear and calm your mind in any situation, allowing you to focus completely on any subject.

Sit on the floor "Indian style". Don't worry about trying to sit in any particular position. If you wish you can sit upright in a chair, just sit towards the front and let your feet rest flat on the floor. Keep your spine straight, shoulders back and just let your hands rest in your lap. Take a moment to relax and let your breathing soften.

Now, as you inhale focus on the number 1. Hold your focus and exhale. On the next inhale focus on the number 2 and so on until you get to 10. The purpose here is to focus entirely on the numbers and not allow any other thoughts to intrude. Remember to breathe as I outlined in the article on Breathing.

DO NOT beat yourself up with this exercise! Our minds are constantly at work and the untrained mind will bounce from thought to thought continually (monkey mind) and even during this exercise you'll have other thoughts arise.

The key is not to attach to any of those thoughts. When other thoughts arise just let them evaporate like a wisp of smoke, passing unheeded through your consciousness and on out of your head.

Your goal is to count from 1 to 10 without attaching to any intruding thoughts, and if you do find yourself thinking of anything other than your target number then go back to one and start over.

This exercise is invaluable for learning to control your mind, and even seasoned meditators will find it useful to go back and practice occasionally.

This exercise is especially good for the Druid because once you can completely calm your mind you open up to a whole new world of feeling and sensation. Now the world takes on a new feel because you have the ability to be so much more aware of it.

One of the problems with the monkey mind is the fact that it uses up your awareness. Once you can still the mind you can open up to the deeper levels and become aware of the inner voices (you can call them spirit guides, angels, demons or whatever) that can lead you in the directions you need to go. It also allows you to become aware of the other energies that surround you, making it easier to extend your senses in new directions.


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