Many phases go through the life stage

7/25/2016   瀏覽:588    

In about three weeks, many senior high school students will take the nationwide exams which are very vital for every one of them. It will probably change their destinies by entering different universities, colleges and specialized schools.

My nephew is now also facing that problem about which major and which school that he should choose. We respect his choice, what can we do is to provide some of our suggestions. From his application, I see many majors he chose related to mechanical design, computer science, and applied physics, accounting, etc. As he majors science in high school, so many of those he applies surely are all his interests. Anyway, I just believe he can do well on the final exams. Whatever the result is, it would be fine.

Many will complain the major they chose is not what they really like. Or, they were allocated as the transfers from other departments where they lost the qualification to gain an offer out of the severe competition of application. It is lucky to study the major as one likes, but not everybody meets that fortune. Most of them cannot find the interest and then even think the future is all the mess since they just have the wrong major.

Now, I just find it is totally wrong if we assume the wrong majoring choosing a thing of bad luck. The fact is most of us, or almost of us have many chances to choose what we will like or are likely to engage in. When we failed to have an ideal major, we also feel fine to major other subjects. Make full use of time in the school to equip ourselves.

Every year there is a large portion of students graduate from school who will find a job which is not so strongly connected to what they major in schools. An English major student might choose a job related to English, while there are also some others that could nothing to do with English he or she is about to choose. Some of my colleagues they majored physics and medicine, now they are doing investment and financial management. I am told a friend who majored biotechnology and now becomes a programmer and has a successful career of his domain nuskin hk.

Once, I read a short English article. I still remember the last sentence in the last paragraph with the main gist: “The purpose of school is to help students to learn how to study.” That means a student in the school should cultivate the habit of self-learning. This is particularly important while we are easily to neglect. Many of them still do not know how to learn and what exactly they should do in the school till they are at the commencement. This is awful. That makes them uncertain about job hunting and doubt their life wasted in the past four years of school life nuskin hk.


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