How to remember those ignorant years

11/4/2015   瀏覽:767    

As the most complex and contradictory higher animals, we are all the same, at the age of seventeen always like mom and dad said "I'm an adult, I can arrange his own fate hong kong rental homes."
Came after 25 years old, he will tell people "I was a child, can protect me?"
Not sentimental, but really very loathe to give up, that the neophyte drifting away, so bitter mood, love is like looking at the person and you are far apart, stay, only vaguely, refute of figure. That tore heart crack lung, seems to suffocation.
How to go to miss her, I that don't the days, in the snow. Maybe a little childish, but jian has deep canyons, go back on our word is largely in vain. Like "in those years, we together after girl" inside of the words "you know people will die, then how do you now don't go to dead dieth?" Well, I didn't let his childhood, youth without regret, well, I have been so lucky, is stupid, is a naive iguard payroll, anyhow is happy, suantiankula, have tried, though rare, also enough I a lifetime.
It seems, are still in the run wild and partners full mountain, but only to his opponent in order to let the small snowballs down Elomet; Ten minutes seemed at recess regardless of wind and rain to table tennis; As if also let their life of high school in three point one line busy. However, just like a night's sleep, when I, drifting, but tearful farewell, farewell to those who return not to stray.


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