I remembered clearly that when

10/15/2015   瀏覽:649    

XI’AN,a city where I live for 3 years reenex,it gives me so many moving stories,and I really have a good time here ,good friends,good views,I love here ,how about you?

Whenever I'm in the dormitory balcony and look across the street from the hospital, I would think of ever moving picture, then, I would run back to the dormitory suddenly to hug my roommates and say ,I love you.

I suffered from acute appendicitis in the afternoon, I was so painful as about to lose consciousness, I almost forgot when did I fall in a faint , I just remembered I was on their backs from the dormitory to the hospital, every time I was on a girl’back, others were holding back behind me They ran and ran,one of my roomates was even shorter than me,but she still sticked to . When I got to the hospital, I just cry because of the pain, they would not have time to rest,they only ran to register, find a doctor,and comfort me, I just felt a little better until the night, but then, they have maxed out,at that time , I told myself, they were my friends for life,I would love them forever Sensodyne.

Yes, I am so lucky to have such a roommate reenex, I will cherish the friendship between us very much, because of friendship, our life is so touching, isn't it, so, be brave to love, be friendly to everyone around you ,because everyone of us can't leave without love.


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