to be at

5/12/2015   瀏覽:967    

After work, my colleague went by my seat Information Security Solution and told this was the time saying goodbye. She planned to say goodbye to our manager at that time, unfortunately, he was not in his office. Then we talked for a while, and later, I found she was hired in the company about three and a half years ago since she just graduated.

Now I even find that I have been in this company for t8 led light more than five years. Unconsciously, everything goes till I find something changed and some others still stay the same as before. I realize time is really precious. I am not so reminiscent, while I just feel time is the friend accompanies everyone of us peacefully, if we can not cherish each single second, we then might lose something we are not aware of yet till the time we find soemthing is gone.

After saying the farewell, another voyage is ahead of hong thai travel her journey. And I also has my approach to the shore where I want to be at.


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